15 Most Stubborn Dog Breeds

15 Most Stubborn Dog Breeds

Dogs are primarily playful and adorable creatures known for their unconditional love and loyalty to humans. While we all agree that pups are easy to train, particular stubborn pups make this notion untrue.

Not all dogs become quickly aware of your way of living or get accustomed to your home’s environment. This is especially true for stubborn pups that are headstrong and genetically inclined to be independent. But does that mean having one of the most stubborn dogs is your wrong choice?

Dog lovers and anyone fond of them should know this! Stubborn dogs aren’t really into training. They get distracted easily and have a certain level of emotional intelligence, making it more than difficult for their owners to train them.

While other breeds of dogs love to obey and are easily trained in return for the relentless pampering they receive from their parents, stubborn breeds of dogs like to maintain autonomy in their activities.

If you are planning to adopt a furry companion and a stubborn dog is your first preference, this guide is for you. You can gradually make your dog learn and follow commands with proper training tactics from professional help and an understanding of their adamant behavior. Take a look here at some of the most stubborn dog breeds to train, and surprisingly, know about their unique traits and the benefits of parenting them.

15 Most Stubborn Dog Breeds That You Might Consider For Owning One

Stubbornness is seen in certain dog breeds because they have increased intelligence, a sense of independence, and inherent instinctual behavior. This trait makes it highly challenging to train stubborn breeds, but it also reflects their strong personality and higher intelligence, which are not found in other standard breeds.

Stubborn dogs also have a unique and rich history of unbreakable bonds with humans. They develop a bond with their owners while maintaining their independence in actions. If you are planning to get one of the most stubborn dog breeds with distinct personality traits, here we go! Check out the curated list of the top most stubborn dogs in the world to decide which breed to own.

1. Siberian Husky

Known for their striking appearance, Siberian Huskies have extremely high stubbornness levels. They are also energetic and have very short attention spans, making it extremely challenging to train them. They are an independent breed and have the constant urge to escape the restricted territory, i.e., your home or yard, which makes them an ideal pet for experienced owners only.

  • Level of stubbornness: Higher
  • Height: 20-24 inches
  • Weight: 35-60 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Friendly and outgoing

The first Husky breed that became popular for being fierce and independent was found in the cold Siberian wilderness, and the modern breeds are true descendants of it who are simply not eager to follow commands. They are energetic and best for owners who love outdoor adventures.

Their impulsive nature and resoluteness make them unsuitable for first-time pet owners. They need strong leaders or someone who can spend more time exercising with them or use other tactful methods to keep their attention during training.

2. Beagle

No one would think of this sweet and affectionate breed of dog as stubborn. But, yes, Beagles are highly stubborn, apart from being friendly, playful, and curious. They have a strange trait of running into anything they find adventurous and ignoring the commands.

Despite being one of the most stubborn dogs, Beagle will make an excellent pet for your family! Whether it’s gentle wagging of the tail or furious strides across the rooms over something interesting, it can be a pleasant companion that gets along with the kids or elders of your family.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 18-20 inches
  • Weight: 20-30 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Cheerful and outgoing

Their stubbornness and cute charm make them one of the most stubborn small dog breeds. They are beloved by pet owners who love their active and impulsive nature. As a Beagle owner, make sure to provide creative training to keep your dog on track while allowing it to enjoy maximum freedom.

3. Bulldog

We can’t forget to count bulldogs while considering what are the most stubborn dog breeds in the world.

Their laid-back nature while being non-obedience makes it extremely challenging for anyone to train them. However, they make amazing family companions for their leisurely strolls and playful activities.

  • Level of stubbornness: Too high
  • Height: 13- 15 inches
  • Weight: 50-55 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 8-10 years
  • Energy level: Low
  • Personality: Kind, dignified, and courageous

So, would adopt a bulldog if a stubborn friend is your wish? Well, they like to do things at their own pace and comfort. They set their terms and would like to indulge in activities only when they feel like doing so. That’s why they will be an excellent partner for you if you are usually less energetic or like to enjoy maximum time at home.

Because of their easygoing and headstrong character, they are also good with kids and can protect them well, which makes them perfect as family dogs.

4. Dachshund

This breed, typically known for hunting badgers, is courageous and livelier than any other dog. But it is stubborn, too, which comes from its fearlessness. It is determined to do whatever it wants or likes and can never be tamed with commands.

Don’t get deceived by their cutesy appearance with tiny legs and snooping faces. They have their own mind and are inclined to do their things in their way. So, the best way to deal with them is to channel their energy into interactions and playful activities.

  • Level of stubbornness: Moderate
  • Height: 8-9 inches
  • Weight: 16-32 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Devoted and courageous

While the stubbornness of the dachshund breed is a part of its personality, it is also a shrewd breed, which only makes it more charming. Because of its lively nature, dachshunds make amazing companions for kids. Their devoted minds ensure that you will definitely form a strong, resilient bond with your adopted furry friend.

5. Jack Russell Terrier

Although this particular breed of dog is small, it is known for its spontaneous nature. It has limitless energy and is highly independent, making it too stubborn and challenging to train.

Originally bred for hunting foxes, the Jack Russell Terrier is more determined and likes to be independent, which can be seen in their stubbornness when you try to make them obey or do daily activities. They are also extremely intelligent, which makes them entertaining. This energetic, gorgeous breed likes to show off tricks or master activities on its own, which will make you gaze with wonder.

  • Level of stubbornness: Highly stubborn
  • Height: 13-14 inches
  • Weight: 13-17 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 13-16 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Feisty and loyal

If getting one of the most stubborn dogs is on your list because you want to dive into local adventure with an adorable furry ball, a Jack Russell Terrier is your call! Its natural curiosity and energetic vibe make engaging them in exciting activities easy, overcoming their obstinacy.

6. Chow Chow

A unique breed that needs to be mentioned in the list of the most stubborn dogs to train is the Chow Chow, a popular working dog breed in China. They are typically known for their aloof nature and a greater sense of independence, which also makes them indifferent to training activities or commands.

Chow Chow tends to be aggressive if you make them in contact with other dogs. However, this personality trait also makes them fiercely loyal and protective towards their owners.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 13-14 inches
  • Weight: 13-17 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 9-15years
  • Energy level: Low
  • Personality: Dignified, extremely loyal, and aloof

If you are truly into adopting the most stubborn dog in the world that has a strong-willed temperament and gives you undivided attention, this is it! You need to be patient and insistent in taking care of and grooming your Chow Chow dog to get their love without being a strict owner.

There are many assertive and engaging training methods recommended by professional dog trainers that you can use to grab their attention.

7. Chinese Shar-Pei

The extraordinary pups, Chinese Shar-Pei, are incredibly protective and tend to surpass their humans while playing tricks or engaging in fun activities. Their wrinkly appearance makes them too adorable, especially as just pups.

Their tenacious personality, stout appearance, and unbreakable loyalty undoubtedly make them attractive pets for humans living alone. They are beyond protective and would go to any level to save their humans. They are never afraid to tell someone or a stranger to back off if they are in their or their owner’s territory.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 18-20 inches
  • Weight: 45-60 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 9-11 years
  • Energy level: Low
  • Personality: Laid-back, fiercely loyal, and affectionate

Being one of the dogs' giant and weighty stubborn breeds, they have low energy levels and a passive nature, making it difficult to train them. However, known for their caring and guarding nature, they are the best breed to have as a family member.

8. Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu, a small breed originally from Japan, should be on the list of the most stubborn dogs because of its bold and independent personality.

Accompanied by a stubborn characteristic, this breed is highly disobedient and needs consistent and assertive training techniques. Because of their fierce nature, they were initially owned by the Japanese people for guarding or hunting. To own a Shiba, you must first prepare your mind, anticipate its notorious nature, and use captivating ways to train it to overcome its stubborn streak.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 13-16 inches
  • Weight: 17-23 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Alert, loyal, and playful

Despite their stubbornness, Shiba Inu makes loyal and loving companions for families or anyone who understands them well.

So, if you have decided to own a Shiba for yourself, just be patient and try consistent training methods and fun tricks. It will help nurture its intelligence and develop the strongest bond with this spirited, affectionate furry creature.

9. Akita

Akitas are huge and one of the most stubborn dog breeds that most people have heard of! They are stunning appearance-wise and were originally used as hunting dogs in Japan for their fervent stubbornness.

Once you get an Akita, it develops trust in you and will be your most excellent and loyal companion for life!

  • Level of stubbornness: Extremely
  • Height: 24-26 inches
  • Weight: 70-100 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Intelligent, protective, and brave

This Japanese hunting breed is headstrong and shrewd, which makes it extremely hard to train them, and you might need professional help. However, despite being so resolute, they are fiercely faithful and proactive, which makes them great instinctive guardians for families with kids or pets.

10. Pekingese

If you wish to own a small, adorable, yet stubborn dog breed, count on the Pekingese. These pups are incredibly good-looking, with charming eyes and dropped-down furry ears.

But do not go by their size! Pekingese feel self-important and have a strong-willed attitude that reflects their originality to Chinese royalty. Their stubbornness often causes them to show indifference to commands, which means training a Pekingese, can be exhausting. However, by understanding their self-importance and respecting their freedom, you can train them with consistent and firm tactics.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 6-9 inches
  • Weight: 7-14 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Energy level: Low to moderate
  • Personality: Intelligent and outgoing

Pekingese is one of the most stubborn dogs, but its affectionate and loving nature captivates humans. Once it understands you and your family, it will develop an indomitable bond with you!
Exhibiting confidence and outgoing charm, a Pekingese pup is definitely worth owning if you are staying alone and need a protective companion.

11. Basenji

With a cat-like demeanor and a great sense of independence, Basenji is a stubborn dog breed you will love to pet. Also known as a barkless dog, this breed possesses a self-sufficient nature and is also intelligent—the key reason behind its non-obedience to your commands or training attempts.

Basenji is a hunting breed that relies on their instincts and doesn’t really get a convincing point to follow the command. If you still decide to own this independent and beautiful dog breed, learn effective training methods that involve engaging their interest, locking their attention, and offering positive reinforcement to make them cooperate with you.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 16-17 inches
  • Weight: 22-24 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
  • Energy level: Very high
  • Personality: High-spirited and curious

Aside from being one of the most stubborn dog breeds in the world, they are charming and companionable. It even gets clownish, sometimes showing humorous and playful tricks that make it an entertaining furry companion for you.

12. Afghan Hound

A dignified dog with a true sense of independence – that’s how we would like to describe the Afghan Hound. Also known for their exquisite and imperial look, this particular stubborn breed was originally a hunting breed used in the challenging terrain of the mountains of Afghanistan. They are known for their prudent decision-making and actions in any demanding situation without the commands of humans.

Their stubborn streak or non-inclination to training is due to their self-intelligence and a certain level of decision-making skills.

  • Level of stubbornness: Very high
  • Height: 24-28 inches
  • Weight: 50-60 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Energy level: Very high
  • Personality: Dignified, charming, and high-spirited

Afghan Hounds do not prefer to respond to anyone’s command, even if it is from their humans. After assessing the scenario themselves, they would react to the commands only if they felt so.

To train this intelligent, gorgeous hound, you need to develop a great deal of patience and understanding of its independent nature and high-spirited vibe. Once you understand its nature and ways to train it, the Afghan hound will be a regal delight and a jovial companion for you.

13. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are dominant and fiercely loyal dog breeds adored by dog lovers. Many want to pet them for their natural protective instinct. But what actually makes this distinctive breed count on the list of most stubborn dog breeds?

Rottweilers have an unmatched level of confidence and enormous strength for activities, which is attributed to their stubbornness. If you are considering petting this breed, train it firmly and consistently because it likes to show respect to the owner.

  • Level of stubbornness: Very high
  • Height: 24-27 inches
  • Weight: 95-135 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 9-10 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Confident, playful and caring

Rottweilers become excellent, steadfast companions if you know how to train them and channel their high-spirited strength and independence into meaningful tricks and adventures. Being genuinely protective and faithful, your most beloved companion will always be ready to hop with you or stand by your side.

14. Chihuahua

It’s undeniably the most petite puppy that must be mentioned among the most stubborn dogs! While you may not expect it to have any adamant attitude, these tiny furry babies are hard to train because of their fiercely strong-willed nature.

Relatively more diminutive in size, Chihuahuas surprisingly have gigantic personalities with big-dog fur and are very loyal to their humans. In fact, many dog specialists and pet owners consider them the alpha members of the family. They are also too barky and inclined to show they are the boss.

  • Level of stubbornness: High
  • Height: 6-9 inches
  • Weight: 2-6 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-18 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Attention seeker, clever, and loyal.

To put a Chihuahua, muster your patience and be firm with your tricks and tactics. With time, lots of love, and attention, they will adapt to your lifestyle and turn into a tireless companion and playmate for life!

15. Cocker Spaniel

Not least of all, Cocker Spaniel is another tenacious yet gentle dog breed you can pet! Its stubborn trait is mostly seen when you try to train them or push them harder to make them adjust to routines.

Stunning in appearance with charming eyes, they are pretty gentle dogs with a stubborn streak behind them. Hence, you need a gentle and consistent approach to training them.

  • Level of stubbornness: Moderate
  • Height: 14-15 inches
  • Weight: 25-30 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
  • Energy level: High
  • Personality: Affectionate and faithful

Cocker Spaniels are a great option if you are searching for one of the most stubborn dog breeds for your family. Their positive vibe and reinforcement make them brilliant furry companions for kids or elderly members.

If you pet a Cocker Spaniel, you should understand its loving nature and emotional needs, and you should provide it with undivided attention and a stable environment.

What Makes A Dog Stubborn?

You may be wondering this while reading about the most stubborn dog breeds above! Too often, humans tag a dog as stubborn by interpreting its independent and spontaneous behavior as non-obedience.

However, stubborn dogs’ behavior stems from several factors, especially their better emotional intelligence, lack of understanding of cues, and environmental stimuli. They don’t think it is important to obey humans' commands or whatever they are asked to do. Instead, they feel they should do whatever they wish to and tend to learn gradually about their actions from the consequences.

In short, the so-called stubbornness of breeds such as Dachshund, Siberian Husky, or Beagle stems from their exploratory nature. They will simply not obey your words until they find something exciting. And that’s how intelligent dogs should be! After all, you also wouldn’t work until you get paid.

So, if you are going to own any stubborn dog breed and teach it to listen to your commands, first make it understand why it should do that. You should also learn about the tactics and effective strategies to train your stubborn dog from a professional dog trainer to transform it into an obedient and energetic furry member of your family!

Why Choose a Stubborn Dog as Your Pet?

Telling your dog to sit, behave in a certain way, walk steadily, etc., does not work if it is an inattentive and adamant breed. By stubborn dogs, we mean dog breeds that are intelligent, independent, confident, or distracted and ignore any kind of positive reinforcement like treats, cues, etc., if they don’t want to.

After learning what dogs are the most stubborn, the next thing that must have popped into your mind is why you should pet one. After all, why should one take the hassles of training a stubborn pup when there are many obedient and easy-to-train pooches? We have some compelling reasons to pick one of the top most stubborn dogs as your pet.

  • Fiercely loyal: Most of these persevering breeds are intelligent and like to do what they feel, so they are immensely loyal to their owners. Once they start understanding their humans and develop a bond, no one or no situation can shake their faithfulness, and you will always have them by your side!
  • Protective towards owners and family: Dogs' stubbornness comes from their strength and higher level of energy. This makes them intensely protective and able to defend you or your family members from strangers. Besides, they are intelligent and sense any threat or abnormal instincts from a stranger and get into defensive mode.
  • Keeps you physically active: Almost all stubborn dogs need firm and persistent training, specifically involving playful, adventurous, or interesting activities. It is because they don’t easily follow commands or cues unless they are convinced why to do so. Also, they are active and high-spirited, which means which means you have to train and keep them engaged with physically engaging activities.

Train Your Stubborn Dog Effortlessly With Accessories from Doodle Couture!

Initially, having a stubborn, furry baby seems like an exciting challenge. But, eventually, when you understand the nature of your strong-headed pooch or ways to trick it, the experience can be fulfilling and rewarding for you.

Whether you choose an adorable small breed like Dachshund or Pekingese or an exquisite large-sized breed like Akita, Husky, or Rottweiler, every type of breed has the potential to be your faithful, loving, and protective companion. However, you have to know the keys to train them successfully! It is developing mutual respect, understanding their bossy or obstinate traits, showing patience, and lots of understanding.

If you have already welcomed one of the most stubborn dog breeds to your home, make your journey with that furry companion stress-free by getting essential training accessories from Doodle Couture. We have a premium collection of accessories like leashes, collars, harnesses, and bundle sets that you can choose from according to your pup! Start exploring our collections today.

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