Benefits of Running With Your Dog

Benefits of Running With Your Dog

Running or jogging with your dog is a fun activity that you can do to improve both your health and your dog's health. Whether rain or shine, your dog is always up for a walk and can be the ultimate motivator! 

Here are four benefits of running with your pup:

1. Bond and strengthen your relationship with your dog!

Running with your dog is a great way to spend quality time together. When you run, your dog gets the exercise and mental stimulation it needs while also enjoying being close to you. Always take a dog waste bag holder with you; you never know when your pup may surprise you.

You can even throw in some training runs if you're feeling ambitious! This will help reinforce good behavior in the house or on walks and strengthen your bond. 

2. Get outside!

Choosing to take your dog with you on your runs will force you to leave the gym behind and take in the great outdoors! Your dog will not only hold you accountable each day, but will also force you to get outside and enjoy your surroundings! 

3. Felling of accomplishment

Taking your dog along with you to "pound the pavement" will not only subtly encourage you, but will likely force you to push your limits. You may run a little faster and a little longer with them by your side. Plus, seeing them crash out on the couch afterwards from the joy of their exercise will no doubt make you feel better about bringing them along. 

4. Health benefits

There are tons of health benefits of running for both you and your dog. It will boost you and your dogs immunity, endorphins, cardiovascular health and more! Exercise is critical to the health and happiness to both you and your dogs long term health. A tired pup is a happy pup! 

Keep your dog healthy with Doodle Couture!

Grab one of our  no pull harnesses for your pup and a plush toy as a treat for post runs and get out there and enjoy your time together! 

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